Docker and Docker-Compose

Exercise 06 - Setting up the Database with Docker

In this exercise, you will create two Docker containers: a container for the database PostgreSQL and a container for a database administration tool Adminer, so that we can look into the created database tables and entries. You will connect the Java application to the database and test the application with a database connection.



Overview Image


    • STEP 1: Create a Container with the Database PostgreSQL

      1. Go to and search for postgres. You will get several results. The first entry postgres looks has an official image badge and is the most frequently used one.

      2. In the section Supported tags, we find a tag which is called 11-alpine, which means that this release of the Docker image uses version 11 of PostgreSQL on top of an Alpine Linux distribution. Let’s use this one.

      3. Use docker to pull image from docker hub

        docker pull postgres:11-alpine
      4. To run the postgres image

        docker run -d \
        --name backend_postgres \
        -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my?ecret \
        -p 5432:5432 \

        # -d : means run the container in the background
        # --name: container's name
        # -p: expose the port in container format: <host port>:<container port>
        # -e : set environment variable which container will user to set password of postgres

      5. Check the status of the postgres container

        docker ps
    • Step 2 - Start the Java Application with Connection to the Database

      1. Change the spring config file to connect the database. Have a look at the application.yml file under the folder /src/main/resources/.

        profiles: postgres
        platform: pg
        url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
        username: postgres
        password: "my?ecret"
        open-in-view: false
        show-sql: true
        ddl-auto: update
      2. Start the application with Spring Profile postgres

        mvn spring-boot:run
      3. Start the UI5 project

        grunt serve --open
      4. In the browser, the UI5 application is opened. In the UI5 application, add one or two new advertisements via the ➕ button.

      5. Restart java project and refresh UI5 project you will find data is still available. The created advertisement is still persisted in the database.

      6. You successfully connected your Java application to a PostgreSQL database!

  • STEP 3 - you can access into the postgres container to use SQL command to operate database

    1. Access into the postgres container

      docker exec -it backend_postgres bash
    2. Use the psql command line tool, which is installed in this container, to access the postgres database

      psql -U postgres

      You will see that the terminal changes to postgres=# as you are now connected to the postgres database.

    3. List all tables in the database named postgres

    4. You can user SQL to operate the database object

      SELECT * FROM advertisement;
    5. Leave the psql command line tool with the following command:

    6. Leave the container session by executing exit

    7. You successfully attached to a running container and connected to the database in this container!

  • Step 4 - Create a Container for the Database Administration Tool Adminer

    We already saw how we can get access to the database tables in a container. But it would be great if we also would have a more convenient tool, where we can have a look at the tables and data of this database and which is accessible via the browser. There is also a Docker image available on Docker Hub for this use case: Adminer

    1. pull adminer image

      docker pull adminer
    2. To create a an Adminer container from the image, execute the following command:

      docker run -d \
      --name backend_postgres_admin \
      --link backend_postgres \
      -p 8086:8080 \

      # To give the Adminer container access to the PostgreSQL container from Step 1, we will use the option --link <name of container we want to connect to>:<link alias name>.
    3. In your browser, navigate to localhost:8086. You will see the Adminer logon page, from where you can connect to a database. Enter the following information and log on:

      ield Value
      System select PostgresSQL
      Server enter backend_postgres
      Username enter postgres
      Password enter my?ecret
      Database enter postgres
    4. The login should succeed and you will see the table advertisement now.

    5. Click on the table advertisement and on next page click on Select data. You will see the same data you already saw in the step before where you accessed the database via the psql command line tool in the container.

Exercise 07 - Running the Java Backend Application in a Docker Container

In this exercise, you will create a Docker container which builds and runs our Java application.

After this exercise, you will know how to execute commands during container creation and how to use volume mapping in order to provide data from the host machine to the Docker container.



Overview image



    • STEP 1 - Create a Container to Build and Run the Java Application

      1. First to start the posgres service

        docker start backend_postgres backend_postgres_admin
      2. As we want to build and execute a Java application in a Docker container, we need a container with Maven installed. Let’s look for a Maven image on Docker Hub. Search for maven. The first entry looks promising, as it has again a official image badge. Click on it to see the details. The Supported tags represent the Maven version and a JDK (Java Development Kit) version. We want to use Maven 3.5 and JDK 8. So let’s use the tag 3.5-jdk-8. Download the Docker image from the central repository:

        docker pull maven:3.5-jdk-8
      3. To create a Docker container from this image that builds and runs our application, we need to execute the docker run command with a some options. Execute the following commands:

        # if not yet done, create the named volume for the maven dependencies
        docker volume create m2

        # execute the docker run command
        docker run -d \
        --name backend \
        --link backend_postgres:db \
        -p 8085:8080 \
        -v ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp/bulletinboard-backend-java/src:/usr/src/app/src \
        -v ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp/bulletinboard-backend-java/.m2:/usr/src/app/.m2 \
        -v ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp/bulletinboard-backend-java/pom.xml:/usr/src/app/pom.xml \
        -v m2:/root/.m2 \
        -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL="jdbc:postgresql://backend_postgres:5432/postgres"\
        -w /usr/src/app \
        maven:3.5-jdk-8 \
        mvn \
        --settings ./.m2/settings.xml \ \
        clean spring-boot:run

        # -v: Provides (aka mounts) the root directory of the Java project and all its content to /usr/src/app in the container. We use a volume for that, specifically a bind mount volume.

        #-v Mounts /root/.m2 inside the container to a named volume on the host (i.e. our virtual machine) called m2. We do this to cache the Maven dependencies of the Java application (defined in the pom.xml), which in our case are stored in /root/.m2. So the first time we run a Maven command in the container and the cache is empty, it will download all the dependencies and it will take quite some time. For any subsequent Maven command, it will take the cached dependencies and significantly reduce build time, even after restarting the container.

        # -e : Overwrites the database url in the application.yml by setting an environment variable. The default value in the config is jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres, which will not work anymore because inside the container there's nothing listening on localhost:5432. Instead, we made the database (that's running in a different container) accessible as backend_postgres:5432 with the --link option above. That's why we need to update the url.

        # -w: workspace

        # mvn : The command that is executed when the container is started. It's similar to the command that we used before to run the Java application with the postgres profile. Additionally, we use our own Maven settings.xml, which ensures that all dependencies are retrieved from Nexus (our SAP-internal Maven repository). Note that this is a relative path that is resolved in the working directory (i.e. /usr/src/app).
      4. As the container runs in the background, we don’t know if the web server is already up and running (or still starting or downloading Maven dependencies). We can look into the logs of the container so see what’s going on. Execute the following command:

        docker logs backend --follow
      5. After the application started in the container, we can access it via localhost:8085/api/v1/ads. Note that we use port 8085 instead of 8080 because of the -p option (i.e. port mapping).

      6. Before we can run the UI5 application against the containerized Java application, we need to adjust the reverse proxy configuration in the package.json. Open the package.json in VS Code.

      7. In the package.json, replace localhost:8080 with localhost:8085 and save the changes

      8. In the Terminal, run the UI5 application with grunt serve --open and test it by creating, updating, or deleting advertisements.

    • *Step 2 - Access the Named Volume m2

      1. Execute the following command in the Terminal to get details about the volume:

        docker volume inspect m2  
      2. Got information

        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/m2/_data",
        "Name": "m2",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"
      3. The Mountpoint attribute is the directory on the host (i.e. our virtual machine) where the data is persisted. Let’s have a look at the content of this folder. As this folder has restricted permission we have to execute the command as root user:

        sudo ls -al /var/lib/docker/volumes/m2/_data
      4. You will find a folder repository. This is where all dependencies that Maven requires are stored. Have a look at this folder:

        sudo ls -al /var/lib/docker/volumes/m2/_data/repository

        You should see a separate folder for each Maven dependency. When we restart the container, we will see that it starts much faster because of the cache.

    • Step 3 - Access the Mounted Folder inside the Container

      1. Get into container

        docker exec -it backend bash
      2. Let’s now have a look at our mounted volume. Remember that we mapped the root directory of the Java project to /usr/src/app inside the container. We also configured this directory as the working directory of the container, which means we should already be in that directory. Execute the following commands to show the content of the src folder.

        cd src
        ls -al
      3. As these directories are mapped (i.e. shared) and not copied, we can add files to the src directory on the host and see it also in the container. Let’s try that. Open a new Terminal tab and create an empty text file by executing the following command from the root directory of the Java project:

        cd ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp/bulletinboard-backend-java/src
        touch text.txt
        ls -al
      4. When you switch back to the other tab in the Terminal with the container session, you should see that the file is shared by executing the following command:

        ls -al

        You should see that the file we just created on the host is also available in the container.

      5. 🎉 You successfully attached to a running container!

Exercise 08 - Creating a Custom Docker Image



Overview image


To increase our productivity when developing SAPUI5, we want to get rid of the latency for the SAPUI5 framework. We will download it once and package it into a custom Docker image, which will then serve SAPUI5 from our local machine.


    • Step 1 - Hello World with nginx in Docker

      1. Execute the following command to ensure that the containers from the previous exercise are running:

        docker start backend_postgres backend_postgres_admin  backend
      2. Open the SAPUI5 project in VS Code.

      3. Open the Terminal and navigate to the SAPUI5 project.

      4. Create the missing docker and image-openui5-sdk directories so that you have following directory structure:

        - docker/
        - image-openui5-sdk/
        - webapp/
        - ...
      5. Open the Dockerfile and add the following snippet as the first line. That like tells Docker to use a base image called nginx:1.17-alpine, which is available on Docker Hub.

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine
      6. This single line is sufficient to create a custom image from that. In the Terminal, make sure you are in the image-openui5-sdk directory.

      7. Execute the following command to build the Docker image from the Dockerfile:

        docker build .
      8. You should see something like Successfully built <HASH> in the console.

      9. To start a container from that image, you can use docker run like we did in the previous exercises and use the hash as the image name (instead of e.g. postgres:11-alpine). Note that the web server nginx listens to port 80 by default, which you need to map to a port on your host machine (i.e. our virtual machine). Also note that once the container runs, you won’t see anything(!) in the Terminal until you access the web server from e.g. the browser.

        You can either try to put the docker run command together by yourself based on the information above or use the following command:

        docker run -it -p 8070:80 <HASH>
      10. In your browser, go to localhost:8070 and you should see the a welcome page of nginx.

      11. In the Terminal, you should also see that accessing the web server produces traffic in the log.

      12. Cancel the running container by pressing CTRL + C.

      13. In VS Code, go back to your Dockerfile.

      14. In order to serve some custom content with nginx, we only need to create an index.html file with some static content. We can do that in the Dockerfile. Add the highlighted line to the end of the Dockerfile to run a shell command. It creates an index.html file with the content Hello World at a default nginx path.

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine
        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
      15. Let’s build the image again and test it. This time, when we build the image, we will give it a name instead of just a hash (i.e. a tag). For that, switch to the Terminal and execute the following command:

        docker build -t openui5-sdk .
      16. To run a container from the image, we can now use the tag instead of the hash. Execute the following command to run the container:

        docker run -it -p 8070:80 openui5-sdk
      17. In your browser, go to localhost:8070 and you should see your Hello World.

      18. In the Terminal, cancel the running container by pressing CTRL + C.

      19. 🎉 You successfully created an nginx container instance!

    • Step 2 - Build Custom Images Efficiently

      When creating custom Docker images, it can many build-and-run cycles of trial and error until you finally got it right. Entering the same commands over and over again can become tedious then, but we can do something about it by creating a build script.

      1. In VS Code, create a file called build-and-run in the image-openui5-sdk directory. You can do that by right-clicking on the folder and selecting New File.

      2. Add the following snippet as the first line to indicates that the content of the file should be interpreted as a bash script.

      3. In the Terminal, navigate to the image-openui5-sdk directory and execute the following command to make the build-and-run script executable.

        chmod +x build-and-run
      4. Add the highlighted line to the end of the build-and-run file to build the Docker image. Note that this is the same command that we used previously.


        docker build -t openui5-sdk .
      5. Below docker build, add the highlighted lines to run a container with our Docker image:


        docker build -t openui5-sdk .

        docker run -d \
        --rm \
        -p 8070:80 \
        --name openui5-sdk-test \
      6. To indicate that nginx has actually started, add the highlighted line to the of the build-and-run file:


        docker build -t openui5-sdk .

        docker run -d \
        --rm \
        -p 8070:80 \
        --name openui5-sdk-test \

        echo "Listening to localhost:8070, try http://localhost:8070"
      7. To avoid conflicts with Docker containers from a previous script execution (e.g. same name or port already allocated), add the highlighted command before docker build.


        docker stop openui5-sdk-test

        docker build -t openui5-sdk .

        docker run -d \
        --rm \
        -p 8070:80 \
        --name openui5-sdk-test \

        echo "Listening to localhost:8070, try http://localhost:8070"
      8. Verify your build-and-run script: it should have the docker stop command, followed by docker build and then docker run.

      9. In the Terminal, make sure you are in the image-openui5-sdk directory.

      10. As the build-and-run script is ready, execute the following command to run the steps:

      11. In your browser, go to localhost:8070 and verify that the server is running properly.

      12. In the Terminal, execute the script again and make sure that there are no errors.

      13. 🎉 You successfully created a Bash script to efficiently build-and-test a Docker image during development!

    • Step 3 - Package SAPUI5 in Docker

      1. In VS Code, create a file called nginx.conf in the image-openui5-sdk directory and paste in the content below. This simple configuration tells nginx to listen to port 80 (inside the container) and to serve files in the folder /var/www.

        server {
        listen 80;
        root /var/www/;

        # avoid caching
        # see
        add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
        add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';
        if_modified_since off;
        expires off;
        etag off;
      2. To copy this file to the Docker image, add the highlighted COPY command to the end of the Dockerfile:

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine

        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

        COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      3. As the new nginx configuration listens to port 80 (like before), we should document this in the Dockerfile. Add the highlighted command to the end of the Dockerfile:

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine

        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

        COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

        EXPOSE 80
      4. As the new nginx configuration serves files from /var/www, we need to make sure that this folder exists inside the image. Add the highlighted command after FROM in the Dockerfile. The -p option makes sure that any intermediate directories are also created.

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine

        RUN mkdir -p /var/www

        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

        COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

        EXPOSE 80
      5. From the Terminal, run the following command to copy the OpenUI5 SDK zip file into the same folder as your Dockerfile. We’ll copy them into the image in the next steps.

        cp ~/openui5-sdks/*.zip \
        Why OpenUI5 and not SAPUI5?
        The only reason we are using OpenUI5 instead of SAPUI5 is that the framework is much smaller and all related tasks will be a bit faster during the exercises.Everything we describe here is also applicable to SAPUI5.In a real scenario, you would probably package SAPUI5 into a container instead of OpenUI5.
        Copying vs. downloading the OpenUI5 SDK
        Usually, we would download our artifacts from their official source on-the-fly as part of the Dockerfile. For OpenUI5, this would be For SAPUI5, this would ideally be Nexus.As this could become a bottleneck with multiple participants downloading the SDK in parallel and multiple times, we instead copy the SDK from the VM’s file system into the Docker container.
      6. In the Dockerfile, add the highlighted command right after creating the /var/www directory.

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine

        RUN mkdir -p /var/www
        COPY ./ /var/www/

        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

        COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

        EXPOSE 80
        About downloading from Nexus/
        As explained in a previous info box, we would rather download the artifact on-the-fly in the Dockerfile instead of copying a local zip file.
        You could do that with wget command like this one here for example:
        # for OpenUI5
        RUN wget -P /var/www
        # for SAPUI5
        wget -P /var/www
        Note that we do not recommend to try this now as network might be rather slow, depending on the location.
        If you still decide to try it out (which we really don’t recommend), you might get an error along the lines of server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found. That’s because the patch version might not be available for download anymore. Check the available OpenUI5 releases and adjust the URL if necessary.
      7. We need to extract the content of the zip archive, which we can do with unzip. Add the highlighted command after COPY:

        # Dockerfile
        FROM nginx:1.17-alpine

        RUN mkdir -p /var/www
        COPY ./ /var/www/
        RUN unzip -o /var/www/ -d /var/www

        RUN echo "Hello World" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

        COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

        EXPOSE 80
      8. In the Terminal, build the image by executing the ./build-and-run script again. It will run through all the different commands of the Dockerfile and also copy the OpenUI5 SDK.

      9. Once the build is complete and the container is running, go to localhost:8070 in your browser. You should see the landing page of OpenUI5, which is now served from your container.

      10. In VS Code, in the Dockerfile, find the Hello World RUN command from Step 1 and remove the line.

      11. In the Terminal, build the image again by executing the ./build-and-run script.

        When you look closely, you will note that Docker doesn’t build the entire image from scratch, but that it takes some of the layers from the cache.

    • Step 4 - Integrate Image with SAPUI5

      1. In the Terminal, execute the ./build-and-run script again without any argument to make sure that a container with a recent SAPUI5 version is running.

      2. In VS Code, open the package.json file in the root directory of the SAPUI5 project. Find the resources and testResources parameters, which are pointing to

        Use the following values instead:

        "sapui5": {
        "version": "1.72.5",
        "resources": "http://localhost:8070/resources",
        "testResources": "http://localhost:8070/test-resources",
        "defaultPage": "webapp/index.html",
        "libs": {},
      3. In the Terminal, make sure you are in the root directory of the SAPUI5 project. Execute the following command to start the web server for the SAPUI5 app and open the browser:

        grunt serve --open
      4. In a different Terminal tab, attach to the log stream of your Docker container by executing the following command:

        docker logs openui5-sdk-test --follow
      5. In the browser, you should see that your application is running successfully. When you look into the logs, you should see some log traffic every time you refresh the URL, because the SAPUI5 resources are now served from your container and not from anymore.

      6. 🎉 You successfully connected your UI5 application to your custom Docker container.

Exercise 08.01 - Reusing Docker Images with Build Arguments

In this exercise, you will leverage the same Dockerfile for creating multiple custom Docker images to host different OpenUI5 SDK versions.

After this exercise, you will understand how to leverage build arguments in a Dockerfile.

  • Steps

    • Step 1 - Use Variables in Build-and-Run

      1. To further improve the build-and-run script, we can introduce variables to ease maintenance. We can define variables with MY_VAR="MY_VALUE" (note: no space before or after =!). Introduce variables CONTAINER_NAME, IMAGE_NAME, and HOST_PORT with the respective values and make sure that all occurrences in the docker and echo commands are replaced, for example:


        docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME
      2. Execute the build-and-run script with ./build-and-run and make sure that there are no errors.

      3. In your browser, go to localhost:8070 and verify that the server is running properly.

      4. 🎉 You successfully introduced variables to the build-and-run script!

    • Step 2 - Introduce Build Arguments

      We can leverage the same Dockerfile for different SAPUI5 versions. For that, we need to make the Dockerfile more flexible by introducing so-called build arguments.

      1. In VS Code, make sure the Dockerfile is open. Add the following command after FROM in the Dockerfile. It defines a build argument SAPUI5_VERSION with a default value.

        ARG SAPUI5_VERSION=1.72.x
      2. Replace the two occurrences of the SAPUI5 version 1.72.x with a reference to the build argument. You can do that with $SAPUI5_VERSION, e.g.:

        COPY ./openui5-sdk-$ /var/www/openui5-sdk-$
      3. Make sure to open the build-and-run script. Although the SAPUI5_VERSION build argument has a default value, we should explicitly reflect the SAPUI5 version in the script. Add a SAPUI5_VERSION variable with the value 1.72.x to the top of the file (note: no space before or after =!)

      4. To reflect the SAPUI5 version of the image in the image name, change the name in the script as follows: openui5-sdk:1.72.x.

      5. Build arguments are set by passing the --build-arg option and KEY=VAL as value, e.g. --build-arg MY_VAR=MY_VAL. Adjust the docker build script so that the SAPUI5_VERSION build argument is set from the variable we just introduced.

        --build-arg SAPUI5_VERSION=$SAPUI5_VERSION
      6. In the Terminal, execute the ./build-and-run script. You should see that it fully rebuilds the image, because the Dockerfile changed compared to the previous build. Although it’s semantically the same, a new layer was introduced by adding the ARG instruction.

      7. We can modify the build-and-run script so that it allows to specify the SAPUI5 version from the Terminal (e.g. ./build-and-run "1.70.x").

        Replace the static declaration of the SAPUI5_VERSION variable in the build-and-run script with the following if-else block:

        if [ -z $1 ]; then # if first argument is empty
      8. In the Terminal, execute the ./build-and-run script again. You should see that Docker doesn’t have to re-build the image, but that all layers are served from cache.

      9. Execute the build-and-run script again to with a parameter to create a separate image for the other OpenUI5 SDK version that we have available:

        ./build-and-run "1.70.x"

        You should see the script considers the parameter, passes it on to docker run and then builds a new image, as there are no layers for this SAPUI5 version in the cache.

      10. 🎉 You successfully used build arguments to make your Docker image more flexible!

Exercise 09 - Describing the Development Environment with Docker Compose

  • Dockerfile: build docker image
  • Docker-compose: Compose file is what’s used to deploy an instance of that image as a container.





Step 1 - Docker Compose for the SAPUI5 Application

  1. Open the Terminal and navigate to the SAPUI5 project.

  2. Open the SAPUI5 project in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, create a file called docker-compose.yml in the root directory of the SAPUI5 project. In VS Code, you can do that by scrolling to the end of the file tree, right-clicking below the last file and selecting New File.

  4. First, we add a service (aka container) to our docker-compose.yml file for our custom image. For that, we provide the same set of parameters than we did before, such as the path to the Dockerfile and the port mapping when running the container. Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file for services:

    version: '2.1'

    context: docker/image-openui5-sdk
    restart: always
    - 8090:80

  5. In the Terminal, execute the following command to start what is described in docker-compose.yml. What this command will do is to build the image if not cached yet (docker build) and run the container (docker run).

    docker-compose up -d

    Similar to what we know from docker run, the -d option executes everything that is described in the docker-compose.yml file as daemon (i.e. in the background).

    If you run docker-compose up (without -d), it will attach to the logs of all the containers and stream them to the Terminal.

  6. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8090 and you should see the SAPUI5 SDK landing page from the container that you started with Docker Compose.

  7. Execute the following command to stop the containers you started with Docker Compose:

    docker-compose down
  8. Before we can add a container for the SAPUI5 application to Docker Compose, we need to make some changes to its configuration.

    In VS Code, open the package.json file from the root directory of the SAPUI5 project. Find the resources and testResources parameters, which are pointing to http://localhost:8070.

    Replace them with the following:

    "sapui5": {
    "version": "1.72.5",
    "resources": "${SAPUI5_HOST:-}/resources",
    "testResources": "${SAPUI5_HOST:-}/test-resources",
    "defaultPage": "webapp/index.html",
    • Remember that when we ran the SAPUI5 SDK container with Docker Compose, we used a different port (8090 instead of 8070). Also, the hostname isn’t localhost in Docker Compose, but rather the name of the container (like we know it from --link).
    • With the new parameter values, we to make the URLs configurable through environment variables. It’s a Bash-style syntax, that either takes the value from the SAPUI5_HOST environment variable if defined or uses the value specified after :- as a fallback:
  9. With the SAPUI5 resources URL configurable, we can add the SAPUI5 application also as a service (aka container) to our docker-compose.yml.

    Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file under services (sequence of services is irrelevant):

    version: '2.1'

    context: docker/image-openui5-sdk
    restart: always
    - 8090:80
    image: node:12.13.0
    command: bash -c "npm install && npx grunt serve"
    working_dir: /usr/src/app
    restart: always
    - 8000:8000
    - ./.npmrc:/usr/src/app/.npmrc
    - ./webapp:/usr/src/app/webapp
    - ./package.json:/usr/src/app/package.json
    - ./Gruntfile.js:/usr/src/app/Gruntfile.js
    - node_modules:/usr/src/app/node_modules
    - npm:/root/.npm
    SAPUI5_HOST: http://openui5_sdk:80

    • All the parameters in the docker-compose.yml file can be translated to a docker run command. They are mostly concepts that we already learned about such as the image name, commands to execute, and port and volume mapping.

      Note that:

      • when we refer to the container with the OpenUI5 SDK in the SAPUI5_HOST variable, we do that with the container name and the internal port, not the mapped port.
      • we cache the node_modules that are installed in the project directory.
      • we cache the npm dependencies that are downloaded from the central registry.
      • we use bash -c CMDS to execute multiple commands (i.e. &&), which you can also use with docker run to execute multiple commands in sequence.
  10. Note that above, there are two named volumes defined, node_modules and npm, which serve as caches for dependencies. Any named volumes need to be defined in Docker Compose (similar to docker volume create). Add the highlighted lines to the docker-compose.yml file for volumes:

    version: '2.1'

    context: docker/image-openui5-sdk
    restart: always
    - 8090:80
    image: node:12.13.0
    command: bash -c "npm install && npx grunt serve"
    working_dir: /usr/src/app
    restart: always
    - 8000:8000
    - ./.npmrc:/usr/src/app/.npmrc
    - ./webapp:/usr/src/app/webapp
    - ./package.json:/usr/src/app/package.json
    - ./Gruntfile.js:/usr/src/app/Gruntfile.js
    - node_modules:/usr/src/app/node_modules
    - npm:/root/.npm
    SAPUI5_HOST: http://openui5_sdk:80

    name: node_modules
    name: npm
  11. In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d. This command now starts two containers, as specified in docker-compose.yml.

  12. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8000/webapp and you should see your SAPUI5 application, served with SAPUI5 resources from the other container, and started with just a single command.


    Don’t worry if you see an error message. That’s because the SAPUI5 application again cannot connect to the Java backend as it’s not reachable from the Docker container. We will fix this in Exercise 10.

  13. Execute docker-compose logs --follow to stream the logs in the Terminal. Refresh the URL in the browser and note that the Terminal shows information from both containers, only with a different prefixes.

  14. In the Terminal, detach from the logging stream by pressing CTRL + C.

  15. You can stop both containers with docker-compose down

  16. 🎉 You successfully used Docker Compose to run the UI5 application!

Step 2 - Docker Compose for the Java Application

  1. Open the Terminal and navigate to the Java project.

  2. Open the Java project in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, create a file called docker-compose.yml in the root directory of the Java project. In VS Code, you can do that by scrolling to the end of the file tree, right-clicking below the last file and selecting New File.

  4. First, we add a service (aka container) to our docker-compose.yml file for the PostgreSQL database.

    Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file for services:

    version: '2.1'

    image: postgres:11-alpine
    restart: always
    - 5432:5432
    - backend_postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "my?ecret"

    name: backend_postgres_data
  5. Next, we add another service for Adminer.

    Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file under services (sequence of services is irrelevant):

    version: '2.1'

    image: postgres:11-alpine
    restart: always
    - 5432:5432
    - backend_postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "my?ecret"
    image: adminer
    restart: always
    - 8086:8080
    - ./.adminer/index.php:/var/www/html/index.php
    ADMINER_DEFAULT_SERVER: "backend_postgres"
    ADMINER_DEFAULT_DB: "postgres"

    name: backend_postgres_data
    • We are mounting a custom index.php file into Adminer. It’s a script that we created based on a blog post, which allows to set all logon parameters via environment variables. To use this enhancement of Adminer, we only need to mount it into the respective container and then set the respective environment variable.

      Without the modification, whenever you access Adminer, you would need to enter the credentials and connection details for the test database manually, which is quite tedious and inefficient.

      Feel free to open the index.php file in VS Code. We recommend not to change it though!

      We should rather create a custom Docker image that contains these modifications rather than modifying Adminer every time we use it but that’s out of scope for now.

  6. In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d.

  7. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8086 and you should see the Adminer interface. This time, all the form fields should be pre-filled with the correct values. Press Login to verify this behavior.

  8. To complete the Docker Compose setup, we need to add a service for the Java container that executes the Maven commands.

    Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file under services (sequence of services is irrelevant):

    version: '2.1'

    image: postgres:11-alpine
    restart: always
    - 5432:5432
    - backend_postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "my?ecret"
    image: adminer
    restart: always
    - 8086:8080
    - ./.adminer/index.php:/var/www/html/index.php
    ADMINER_DEFAULT_SERVER: "backend_postgres"
    ADMINER_DEFAULT_DB: "postgres"
    image: maven:3.5-jdk-8
    command: mvn --settings ./.m2/settings.xml clean spring-boot:run -Dmaven.clean.failOnError=false
    working_dir: /usr/src/app
    restart: always
    - 8085:8080
    - ./src:/usr/src/app/src
    - ./.m2:/usr/src/app/.m2
    - ./pom.xml:/usr/src/app/pom.xml
    - m2:/root/.m2
    SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: "jdbc:postgresql://backend_postgres:5432/postgres"

    name: backend_postgres_data
    name: m2
  9. In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d again. You should see the application starting without any error.

  10. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8085/hello/World and you should see the Hello World text.

  11. 🎉 You successfully used Docker Compose to run the Java application!

Exercise 10 - Integrating Multiple Docker Compose Files

In this exercise, you will round up the Docker Compose setup and enable livereload, debugging, and bring Java and SAPUI5 together.

After this exercise, you will understand how to orchestrate several containers.





Step 1 - Integrate Java and SAPUI5 with Docker Compose

Both the Java and the SAPUI5 application themselves are now wrapped with Docker Compose and ready for development. The problem is that while the Java service is accessible via localhost:8085 on your host machine, the SAPUI5 container doesn’t know how to access that localhost. The solution is to bring both docker-compose.yml scripts together.

In VS Code, open the SAPUI5 project and open the package.json file from the root directory of the project. Find the proxies parameter.

Replace both occurrences of http://localhost:8085 with the following (but leave the rest of the URI as is):

Copied to clipboard

  • Open the Terminal and navigate to your Tools Bootcamp workspace, where you already have directories for the Java and SAPUI5 projects (e.g. cd ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp)

  • Create the missing docker-playground directory so that you have following directory structure:

    - bulletinboard-backend-java/
    - ...
    - bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/
    - ...
    - docker-playground/
    - ...
  • Navigate into the newly created docker-playground directory.

  • Run the following command to open the project in VS Code:

    code .
  • Create a file called docker-compose.yml in root directory of the docker-playground project. In VS Code, you can do that by scrolling to the end of the file tree, right-clicking below the last file and selecting New File.

  • Include the frontend services from the Docker Compose script of the SAPUI5 project by extending your current docker-compose.yml file with existing definition.

    Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file for services:

    Copied to clipboard

    version: '2.1'

    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: frontend

  • Based on that syntax, we can add the other services. Add the highlighted snippet to the docker-compose.yml file:

    version: '2.1'

    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: frontend
    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: openui5_sdk
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres_admin

  • Add the highlighted named volumes to the volumes section of the new docker-compose.yml file of the docker-playground project:

    version: '2.1'

    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: frontend
    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: openui5_sdk
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres_admin

    name: backend_postgres_data
    name: m2
    name: node_modules
    name: npm
  • About named volumes and inheritance

    While most configuration is inherited when extending a Docker Compose configuration, named volumes are not. They need to be re-declared explicitly.

    The named volumes above are the ones that we already declared in the docker-compose.yml files of the SAPUI5 and Java project.

  • With the central Docker Compose configuration, we can now wire the SAPUI5 container to the Java container. For that, define an environment variable in the docker-compose.yml file of the docker-playground project for the frontend service with the name BULLETINBOARD_BACKEND_HOST and value http://backend:8080:

    version: '2.1'

    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: frontend
    BULLETINBOARD_BACKEND_HOST: http://backend:8080
    file: ./../bulletinboard-frontend-ui5/docker-compose.yml
    service: openui5_sdk
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres
    file: ./../bulletinboard-backend-java/docker-compose.yml
    service: backend_postgres_admin

    name: backend_postgres_data
    name: m2
    name: node_modules
    name: npm
  • Before testing the setup and avoid port issues, make sure to stop all running Docker containers by executing the following command in the Terminal:

    docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
  • In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d.

  • Execute the following command to follow the logs of the containers:

    docker-compose logs --follow
  • In the browser, navigate to localhost:8000/webapp and you should see the SAPUI5 application. Use the user interface to create an advertisement.

  • Restart all Docker Compose containers by executing the following command:

    docker-compose restart
  • In the browser, again navigate to localhost:8000/webapp and you should still see the data that you previously created.

  • 🎉 You successfully described major parts of your development environment with Docker Compose!

Exercise 10.01 - Enabling Livereload in Docker Compose for SAPUI5

After this exercise, you will understand what needs to be considered for enabling live reload in a Docker setup.

The SAPUI5 tool custdev-sapui5-infra-util that we are using automatically looks for a free port for the so-called livereload server. In a Docker setup, we need a static port, which is exposed by the container.

  1. Open the Terminal and navigate to the SAPUI5 project.

  2. Open the SAPUI5 project in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, open the docker-compose.yml in the root directory of the SAPUI5 project.

  4. Adjust the grunt serve command by adding the --lr-server-port=35731 parameter:

    npx grunt serve --lr-server-port=35731
  5. In the ports section, expose port 35731 to the same external port:

    - 35731:35731
  6. In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d again. Everything should start as usual.

  7. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8000/webapp and you should see the SAPUI5 application.

  8. In VS Code, open the file webapp/view/Main.view.xml. Find the Title element in the XML and change the text attribute (around line 15). And save the file.

  9. In the browser, you should see that the page automatically refreshes and that the title is displayed.

  10. 🎉 You successfully enabled Livereload for SAPUI5 in Docker!

Exercise 10.02 - Enabling Livereload in Docker Compose for Java with Spring Boot

Step 1 - Enable Livereload for Java with Spring Boot

As livereload with Spring Boot works a bit different than with SAPUI5, it’s not sufficient to just expose a port in Docker Compose. With Spring Boot, there is a dedicated RemoteSpringApplication that we need to start in VS Code, which will keep the Docker container in sync.

  1. Open the Terminal and navigate to the Docker Playground project:

    cd ~/ibso-tools-bootcamp/docker-playground
  2. Execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d. Everything should start as usual.

  3. Open the Java project in VS Code.

  4. In VS Code, in the icon bar on the far left, click on the beatle icon to open the Run and Debug view.

  5. In the menu on the left, click on create a launch.json file and select Java from the menu to initialize a metadata file about different configurations to start your Java application. If you already have a file, click on the gear icon at the top of the menu to open it.launch.json

  6. In the launch.json file, add the highlighted lines to the configuration array of the file:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
    "type": "java",
    "name": "bulletinboard-backend-java devtools",
    "request": "launch",
    "mainClass": "org.springframework.boot.devtools.RemoteSpringApplication",
    "args": "http://localhost:8085"
  7. Make sure to Save the changes.

  8. In the blue bar at the bottom, click on the run icon and select bulletinboard-backend-java devtools to start the RemoteSpringApplication.

  9. Open the file and change the Hello World text and save your changes. Within a few seconds, the Java server will restart.

  10. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8085/hello/World and you should see your updated text without having to restart Docker Compose.

  11. In VS Code, in the hovering menu at the center, click on the red rectangle to stop the the RemoteSpringApplication.

  12. 🎉 You successfully ran livereload with the RemoteSpringApplication!

Exercise 10.03 - Enabling Debugging in Docker Compose for Java

Step 1 - Enable Debugging for Java

As debugging Java works via ports, we need expose the respective ports in the Docker setup. Also, as the Java application fully runs in Docker, there’s a bit more that needs to be done than just pressing the Debug button in VS Code.

  1. Open the Terminal and navigate to the Java project.

  2. Open the Java project in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, open the docker-compose.yml in the root directory of the Java project.

  4. Add the following parameters to the end of the mvn command to run the Java application in a mode where it can be debugged:"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

    About the additional arguments

    We are passing some specific arguments to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that enable remote debugging. They make the JVM start in debug mode and debuggers can attach to port 5005.

  5. In the ports section, expose port 5005 to the same external port.

  6. In the Terminal, execute Docker Compose with docker-compose up -d again. Everything should start as usual. When you log into the log, just before the large Spring ASCII art is logged, you should see the following:

    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
  7. In VS Code, in the icon bar on the far left, click on the beatle icon to open the Run and Debug view.

  8. In the menu on the left, click on create a launch.json file and select Java from the menu to initialize a metadata file about different configurations to start your Java application. If you already have a launch.json file, click on the gear icon at the top of the menu to open it.

  9. In the launch.json file, add the highlighted lines to the configuration array of the file:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
    "type": "java",
    "name": "Debug in Docker",
    "request": "attach",
    "hostName": "localhost",
    "port": 5005
  10. Make sure to Save the changes.

  11. In the blue bar at the bottom, click on the run icon and select Debug in Docker attach the debugger to the Docker container.

  12. Open the file and set a breakpoint in the sayHello method. You can set a breakpoint by clicking just left of the line number in VS Code.

  13. In the browser, navigate to localhost:8085/hello/World and you should see that there is no immediate response. Instead, the processing of the request is stopped because of the breakpoint.

  14. In VS Code, in the hovering menu at the center, click on the blue run icon to continue with the script execution.

  15. 🎉 You successfully debugged your dockerized Java project!